Monitoring of water levels and groundwater quality,

Culebrón-Lagunillas aquifer




The Drinkable water production and sanitary services company Aguas del Valle asked us for a Water quality and Groundwater level Monitoring Program in Culebrón-Lagunillas Aquifer.

This request is framed inside the project called “Conduction from Culebrón-Lagunillas Aquifer’s area to Ovalle city, Coquimbo region”, in which the objective is to ensure the supply of drinkable water to the city.


To develop the activities an aquifer representative monitoring net design was proposed along with water level recording and water quality according to the Chilean Normative for Drinkable Water (NCh 409/1).


A 15 point groundwater monitoring net was designed. The points were distributed around the whole basin and monthly water level measurements were recorded along with quarterly water quality measurements (general physicochemical parameters and chemical analysis according to the normative NCh 409/1).
