Technical construction and pumping test report for water collection

location change of well N°3 belonging to Coquimbo Golf club




The drilling company AquaDrill SpA ask us to elaborate a technical report with all the information the DGA needs to make a request on water rights location change of a water well located at Pan de Azúcar, Coquimbo Region.

Work Done

Information gathering of all the necessary records related to the well design and construction took place at first, such as drilling, installation, gravel pack and termination, geological sample recording, pumping test and water chemical analysis.

Pumping test records were analyzed in order to figure if they match the DGA criteria and also to calculate the aquifer’s hydraulic parameters. Initial and final points of water rights were checked to verify the aquifer availability and an estimation on extractable water volume was made.


A technical document that matches the DGA requirements was handed. It contains the final location of the water rights used in the water collection, constructive design, stratigraphy, chemical analysis results and the aquifer’s hydraulic parameters set in the well which establish its pumping capability to pump the required water flow for the transfer to the new location.
